Meeting Details


    This meeting was inquorate and therefore did not proceed.  Any remaining business items on the agenda, that have not been dealt with informally, will be deferred to the next meeting.



    Meeting Summary
    Licensing committee
    16 Jun 2022 - 16:30
    • Documents
    • Attendance
    • Visitors
    • Declarations of Interests



    Standard Items
    1 Apologies

    To receive apologies for absence.


    2 Declarations of interest

    (Please note that it is the responsibility of individual members to declare an interest prior to the item if they arrive late for the meeting).


    3 Public questions/petitions

    To receive questions / petitions from the public which have been submitted in accordance with the council's constitution.


    4 Appointment of vice-chair.

    To elect a vice-chair for the licensing committee for the ensuing civic year 2022-23.


    5 pdf Minutes (192Kb)

    To agree the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 3 March 2022.


    Purpose:  For members to consider the changes to the draft HMO Licensing Policy following a period of consultation in March 2022.



    7 Hackney Carriage Fares (Report to follow)

    Purpose:  To consider an update to Hackney Carriage Fares.


    8 Cumulative Impact Area (verbal update)

    To receive a verbal update on the cumulative impact policy.



    To receive the regulatory subcommittee minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2022.


    Private Items


    Attended - Committee Members
    No attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
    Attended - Other Members
    No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
    NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
    No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
    NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
    No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

    Declarations of Interests

    Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
    No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


    Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting