Meeting Details

    Planning applications committee
    12 Dec 2024 - 11:10
    • Documents
    • Attendance
    • Visitors
    • Declarations of Interests



    Standard Items
    1 Apologies
    To receive apologies for absence




    2 Declarations of interest

    (Please note that it is the responsibility of individual members to declare an interest prior to the item if they arrive late for the meeting)



    3 Planning applications

    Please note that members of the public, who have responded to the planning consultations, and applicants and agents wishing to speak at the meeting on the following items are required to notify the committee officer by 10:00 on the day before the meeting.

    Further information on planning applications can be obtained from the council's website:

    Please note:

    • The formal business of the committee will commence at 9.30;
    • The committee may have a comfort break after two hours of the meeting commencing.
    • Please note that refreshments will not be provided.  Water is available
    • The committee will adjourn for lunch at a convenient point between 13:00 and 14:00 if there is any remaining business.


    4 Minutes

    To follow






    Purpose - 

    To determine:

    Application no:            24/01181/NF3

    Site Address:               Riverside Leisure Centre, Wherry Road NR1 1WX

    Decision due by:         18/12/2024

    Proposal:                     6no. sections of solar carport to be installed within the car park.

    Key considerations:    Principle of development, Design, Heritage, Amenity, Trees.

    Ward:                           Thorpe Hamlet

    Case Officer:               Danni Howard –

    Applicant/agent:          Applicant: Norwich City Council

                                        Agent: Fiona Keysell

    Reason at Committee: Objections

    Purpose - 


    To determine:

    Application no: 24/01024/U

    Site Address: 6 Albert Terrace Norwich NR2 2JD   

    Decision due by:         20/12/2024

    Proposal:                     Change of use from a residential dwelling (Class C3) to a holiday let (Sui Generis)

    Key considerations:    Principle of development, Amenity, Transport

    Ward:                           Town Close

    Case Officer:               Nyasha Dzwowa

    Applicant/agent:          William Payze

    Reason at Committee: Called in by councillor Cate Oliver


    To determine:

    Application no:            23/00093/F

    Site Address:               1 Red Lion Street Norwich NR1 3QF       

    Decision due by:         20/12/2024

    Proposal:  Change of use from clothing shop (Class E) to restaurant cafe/bar (Class E/Sui Generis), creation of balcony seating at first floor level and roof terrace, alterations to shop front, installation of motorised fabric awnings and external alterations to principal elevation.

    Key considerations:    Principle of development; Design; Heritage; Amenity; Transport

    Ward:                           Mancroft

    Case Officer:               Nyasha Dzwowa

    Applicant/agent:          Mr Zafer Arslandok

    Reason at Committee: Objections

    Supplementary Agenda

    Standard Items
    Planning applications

    Please note that members of the public, who have responded to the planning consultations, and applicants and agents wishing to speak at the meeting on the following items are required to notify the committee officer by 10:00 on the day before the meeting.

    Further information on planning applications can be obtained from the council's website:

    Please note:

    • The formal business of the committee will commence at 11.10;
    • Please note that refreshments will not be provided.  Water is available
    • The committee will adjourn for lunch at a convenient point between 13:00 and 14:00 if there is any remaining business.


    To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2024

    Additional Meeting Documents


    No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
    NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
    No apology information has been recorded for the meeting.
    NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
    No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

    Declarations of Interests

    Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
    No declarations of interest have been entered for this meeting.


    Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting