Please note that the planning applications committee public speaking procedures as set out in Appendix 11 of the council's constitution, with the exception of 6(2) relating to ward councillors, have been temporarily suspended. Members of the public are invited instead to submit a written statement to be read out by officers at the meeting. The number of statements is limited to 6 for a major application and 4 for a minor application and this will be subject to the following guidelines:
(a) where such statement exceed 500 words, they will be summarised by officers rather than read word by word;
(b) if more than the above number of statements are submitted, officers will summarise the contents of the statements;
(c) the applicant or agent, will be able to prepare one statement which will be read out: and,
(d) statements from members of the public may be in objection or support.
Discretion will be used by the chair, if a member of the public is unable to provide a written statement and other arrangements will be made. Please contact the committee officer to discuss this.