Standard Items
To receive apologies for absence
Declarations of interest
(Please note that it is the responsibility of individual members to declare an interest prior to the item if they arrive late for the meeting)
To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2017
Planning applications
Please note that members of the public, who have responded to the planning consultations, and applicants and agents wishing to speak at the meeting for item 4 above are required to notify the committee officer by 10:00 on the day before the meeting.
Further information on planning applications can be obtained from the council's website:
Please note:
- The formal business of the committee will commence at 9.30;
- The committee may have a comfort break after two hours of the meeting commencing.
- Please note that refreshments will not be provided. Water is available
- The committee will adjourn for lunch at a convenient point between 13:00 and 14:00 if there is any remaining business.
Supplementary Agenda
Standard Items
The attached plans were omitted from the agenda. This supplementary report contains the correct plans for application no 17/00587/F - 5 Nutfield Close, Norwich, NR4 6PF.
Please disregard the plans attached to item 4(g) of the agenda papers.
Declarations of Interests
Councillor Sally Button | 4(K) Enforcement case 1A Midland Street | Has spoken to residents and knows the owner of the property | Other | Pre-determined view, declared the interest and vacated the room when the committee considered the item. |
Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting