Meeting Details

    Meeting Summary
    Scrutiny committee
    20 Oct 2016 - 16:30
    • Documents
    • Attendance
    • Visitors
    • Declarations of Interests



    Standard Items
    1 Apologies

    To receive apologies for absence
    2 Public questions/petitions

    To receive questions / petitions from the public (notice to be given to committee officer in advance of the meeting in accordance with appendix 1 of the council's constutition)
    3 Declarations of interest

    (Please note that it is the responsibility of individual members to declare an interest prior to the item if they arrive late for the meeting)
    4 pdf Minutes (38Kb)
    To approve the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting held on 22 September 2016
    Purpose - To note the scrutiny work programme and agree any potential topic(s) that may be tested against the TOPIC analysis for future inclusion.  For the assistance of members, the cabinet forward agenda is included.
    6 Update of the representative for the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (verbal update)
    Purpose - For the committee to note the work of the NHOSC and comment on any implication for Norwich residents for the representative to take back to the next NHOSC meeting

    Purpose - to note the consultation process of the council and consider specific ways of enhancing this.

    Purpose - To take evidence from key educationalists who have an impact on the provision of education to the young people in Norwich


    Attended - Other Members
    No other member attendance information has been recorded for the meeting.
    NameReason for Sending ApologySubstituted By
    Councillor Ed Coleshill  
    Councillor Ash Haynes  
    NameReason for AbsenceSubstituted By
    No absentee information has been recorded for the meeting.

    Declarations of Interests

    Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
    Councillor James WrightAgenda item 8 - Educational outcomesDisclosed an other interest as he is a governor of a church school connected with DNEATOtherRecorded in minutes


    Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting