Meeting Details

    Meeting Summary
    23 Jul 2019 - 19:30 to 22:20
    • Documents
    • Attendance
    • Visitors
    • Declarations of Interests



    Standard Items
    1 Lord Mayor's announcements
    2 Declarations of interest

    (Please note that it is the responsibility of individual members to declare an interest prior to the item if they arrive late for the meeting)
    3 Public questions/petitions

    To receive questions / petitions from the public.

    Please note that all questions must be received by the committee officer detailed on the front of the agenda by 10am on Thursday 18 July 2019.

    Petitions must be received by the committee officer detailed on the front of the agenda by 10am on Monday 22 July 2019.

    For guidance on submitting public questions or petitions please see appendix 1 of the council's constutition.

    4 pdf Minutes (422Kb)
    To approve the minutes of the two meetings of council held on 25 June 2019.
    5 Questions to cabinet members / committee chairs

    (A printed copy of the questions and replies will be available at the meeting)
    Purpose To consider of the annual audit committee report 2018-19 to council.
    Purpose - To consider the work and progress that has been made by the scrutiny committee for the civic year 2018-19.
    8 pdf Motions (123Kb)

    Purpose - To consider motions for which notice has been recived in accordance with appendix one of the council's constitution.


    Supplementary Agenda

    Standard Items
    *1 Exclusion of the public
    Consideration of exclusion of the public.
    *2 Redundancy costs
    • This report is not for publication because it would disclose information relating to any individual as in para 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972.

    Declarations of Interests

    Member NameItem Ref.DetailsNature of DeclarationAction
    Councillor Sandra BogeleinMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsPartner works at schoolPecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote
    Councillor Jacob HuntleyMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsFamily member is teacherOtherDeclared.
    Councillor Ben PriceMotion 8 (b) School fudning cutsWife works in schoolPecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote.
    Councillor Mike SandsMotion 8 (b)Spouse is teacherPecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote
    Councillor Jane SarmezeyMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsWorks for EPSS part of Norfolk County Council which trades with schoolsPecuniaryDeclared, didn't take part in debate or vote
    Councillor Martin SchmiererMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsPartner is a teacherPecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote
    Councillor Mike StonardMotion 8 (b) School funding cutson board of governors, futures educationOtherDeclared
    Councillor Vivien ThomasMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsWorks at school as a learning support assistant PecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote.
    Councillor Vaughan ThomasMotion 8 (b) School funding cutsSpouse works in schoolPecuniaryDeclared, left meeting, didn't take part in debate or vote.


    Visitor Information is not yet available for this meeting