Councillor Jones (B) to move and Councillor Davis to second the following motion:
"The massive disparity in NHS funding for mental health has become a far more widely acknowledged fact in recent years, along with the stigma that is still attached to mental health. Unfortunately, the promised ‘parity of esteem’ has proved to be an empty phrase, it has not converted into increased funding despite vast growth in the need for mental health support.
The Tory government’s austerity measures are exacerbating an already critical situation as mental health does not exist in a vacuum. Unfavourable social, economic and environmental circumstances increase vulnerability to a range of mental health problems.
This council RESOLVES to ask cabinet to:
(1) Work alongside statutory services including Norwich CCG and Norfolk Public Health, to ensure consideration of mental health and wellbeing is built into relevant plans, including the Healthy Norwich Action Plan and continue to advocate for the highest standards of services for all our citizens and challenge inequalities of access.
(2) Continue to work to mitigate the impact of the austerity measures of the Tory government which impact on the mental wellbeing of the citizens of Norwich and sign post them to other organisations that can offer further assistance.
(3) Explore opportunities to work in partnership and promote engagement both with and between voluntary organisations that provide mental health and mental wellbeing support to Norwich residents.
(4) Support the continued development of social prescribing in Norwich, addressing social needs which impact upon mental wellbeing.
(5) Reaffirm the council’s commitment to the Local Authorities’ Mental Health Challenge, with an identified elected representative to champion mental health.
(6) Ensure that consideration of mental wellbeing is included in any corporate strategy review.
(7) To call on the government to translate ‘parity of esteem’ into parity of funding for mental health."